Electricity Information
Residential Electric Shopping Guide – learn how to shop for electricity and compare prices for generation suppliers in each major electric utility service territory.
Electric Shopping Statistics – a quarterly update showing the number and percentage of customers and customer load that are being served by alternative electric generation suppliers throughout Pennsylvania.
Pricing Information:
The Pennsylvania Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps individuals with low income pay their heating bills through energy assistance grants.
Universal Service Phone Numbers – Each utility company has programs available to customers, who are on a limited or fixed income, to assist them with utility bills.
Other Pricing Information Resources – Such as the Wattage Monitor, ENERGY Guide, Power Scorecard and Green Energy.
Be Prepared and Plan Ahead For an Electric Service Outage
Recent storms have interrupted electric service to a large number of Pennsylvanians. The Office of Consumer Advocate offers the tips to help you and your family stay safe in the event of an electric service outage. (Click here)
How to Make A Donation to a Hardship Fund:
Winter weather is upon us. There are many Pennsylvanians who could use help in paying their energy bills. Your donation can assist needy households to keep their gas and electric service on this winter. Consider donating to your company’s hardship funds. Click here to find out how to donate.